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New to KISD Athletes



Dear Parent/ Guardian,
The Athletic Department at Kerrville ISD now hosts their Pre-Participation Athletic Forms online with Planet High School. This digital platform will allow you, and your student(s), to complete and access athletic forms via computer, tablet, or mobile phone. It is HIPAA, COPPA and FERPA compliant. A link to the privacy policy is located at the bottom of the Sign in page at

STEP 1  Verify that a Student Account has been created.  If YES, then proceed to STEP 2.  If NO, then student must visit and create a Student Account.

*IMPORTANT* If you have not received an email or text, STOP and DO NOT proceed. Wait for your student to create their account.

STEP 2 Creating your Parent/Guardian Account.
(Most students will create their accounts at school during Athletics and may send you a request via text message or email to set up and link to their account.)

Follow the link that was sent to you by your student
 Go to and click on the button in the top right of the screen.
* Choose the type of account you wish to create. (Select Parent)
* Complete the requested information. (Be sure to use the email address or phone number the link was sent to.)
* Be sure when choosing your school that you choose the school the student is attending.

STEP 3 Linking Accounts.
Link the Parent account to the Student(s) account:
(If you did not receive an invitation, please check with your student to see if they created a student account.) 

You will be led through this process after creating an account. If you do not link accounts at the time of account creation, you can always click the LINK ACCOUNT button at any time to complete or initiate the linking process. Parents can link to as many student accounts as they wish by repeating the linking invitation process.

IMPORTANT!! The system will automatically prompt you to complete Athletic Forms after you have linked your account to your student. Click on the Athletic Forms button. 

If you already created a parent account. The forms are now live. You may now log in to your parent account and proceed to fill out the forms. 

Thank you,
Kerrville Athletic Department