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School Counselor Contact Information

We are here for you!

Mrs. Cecilia Arredondo-6th Grade

830-257-2204   x3020

Mrs. Becky Goodwyn-8th Grade

830-257-2204  x3021

Mrs. Andrea Reynolds-7th Grade

830-257-2204 x3022

What you say in the counseling office, stays in the counseling office.​

In order to build a relationship and trust with students, what is discussed in individual counseling remains confidential.

What information needs to be told to parents, other helping professionals, and/or school officials?

Situations involving:

  • Harm to yourself

  • Harm to other people

  • Sexual contact/pregnancy

  • Threats to school safety

  • Information requested by a valid subpoena (Court System)

Follow the link provided for more detailed information.  

The School Counselor and Confidentiality