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PSAT 8/9

PSAT 8/9

What Is the PSAT?

The PSAT or Preliminary SAT. 

In other words, it is a practice tool to prepare you for the actual SAT assessment.  


The PSAT 8/9 tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10—in a way that makes sense for eighth and ninth graders.  It measures what they are already learning, shows them whether they are on track for college, and lets them know where they need the most improvement.  That means students have time to tackle these areas long before they take the SAT.


Don’t just take the PSAT.  See where it takes you.  The PSAT is much more than a practice test for the SAT.  The highest performers on the PSAT/NMQST are eligible to earn scholarship money toward their chosen colleges.


In addition, once you receive your scores from your actual PSAT assessment you will be given an access code.  This is located on the front page of your score report or sent via email.  You can use your access code to connect with Khan Academy and receive free online SAT practice that will be adjusted to your weaknesses and strengths.  


No Penalty for Guessing

On the new PSAT 8/9, you simply earn points for the questions you answer correctly.  So go ahead and give your best answer to every question—there’s no advantage to leaving them blank.



How to Get Ready

You don’t have to discover secret tricks or cram the night before.

The same habits and choices that lead to success in school will help you get ready for the PSAT 8/9 and other tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments. The best way to prepare is to:

  • Take challenging courses

  • Do your homework

  • Prepare for tests and quizzes

  • Ask and answer lots of questions

In short, take charge of your education and learn as much as you can.



See What It’s Like

Find out what kinds of questions you’ll see on the PSAT 8/9 and what the test will measure. 

Where do you want to start?



Click on the links below to view videos for each topic:

Accessing Your PSAT/NMSQT Score Report

Viewing Your PSAT 8/9 Scores

Making the Most of Your PSAT 8/9 Scores

How to Link Your College Board + Khan Academy Accounts

 How Students Link Their College Board and Khan Academy Accounts:

  1. Go to Create an account on Khan Academy or sign in to their existing account.
  2. When prompted, agree to link their Khan Academy and College Board accounts.
  3. Send their scores.

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